About this project
About the project DerSoftwareBlog.com
Reading time: 1 minutes
This is to all voluntarly Friends-and-Family-IT-supporters. Giving technology advice can be a repedative, tedious task.
Instead of repeating everything over and over again I will tell my mother to read about her question on this website. Maybe I can save a bit of my (or your) time while providing something! Well, at least that’s the plan 😅
I try to keep it as simple as possible, but as detailed as required.
What does “Der Software Blog” mean?
It is German and means “The software blog” 🤯
What are we doing here?
As I said, I want to save a bit of time.
But why does it cost me so much time in the first place?
I guess the answer is that I really care about what I tell people about technology. From my point-of-view the topics I write about are more than simple how-to’s or tutorials.
There is always (at least) a second layer attached. In current times technology has social aspects, it can be used to support freedom as well as tighten repressions. It is a constant battle between convenience and system lock-ins or monopolization of services.
I try to follow these simple rules:
- I recommend what I would use myself
- I try to educate the reader, my goal is that you can decide for yourself if you want to follow my advice
- I emphasize open-source software
- I will keep it simple (let’s say I try to keep it to a minimum 😅)
- I try to show the ecological impact
- No bullshit, buzzword bingo
In conclusion: Clear and well crafted guides for everyone.
Beginner friendly software guides. No buzzwords, no bullshit!
Let’s see what happens.